
Perform in-kernel BPF filtering and actions on events

Selectors are a way to perform in-kernel BPF filtering on the events to export, or on the events on which to apply an action.

A TracingPolicy can contain from 0 to 5 selectors. A selector is composed of 1 or more filters. The available filters are the following:

Arguments filter

Arguments filters can be specified under the matchArgs field and provide filtering based on the value of the function’s argument.

In the next example, a selector is defined with a matchArgs filter that tells the BPF code to process only the function call for which the second argument, index equal to 1, concerns the file under the path /etc/passwd or /etc/shadow. It’s using the operator Equal to match against the value of the argument.

Note that conveniently, we can match against a path directly when the argument is of type file.

- matchArgs:
  - index: 1
    operator: "Equal"
    - "/etc/passwd"
    - "/etc/shadow"

The available operators for matchArgs are:

  • Equal
  • NotEqual
  • Prefix
  • Postfix
  • Mask

Further examples

In the previous example, we used the operator Equal, but we can also use the Prefix operator and match against all files under /etc with:

- matchArgs:
  - index: 1
    operator: "Prefix"
    - "/etc"

In this situation, an event will be created every time a process tries to access a file under /etc.

Although it makes less sense, you can also match over the first argument, to only detect events that will use the file descriptor 4, which is usually the first that come afters stdin, stdout and stderr in process. And combine that with the previous example.

- matchArgs:
  - index: 0
    operator: "Equal"
    - "3"
  - index: 1
    operator: "Prefix"
    - "/etc"

Return args filter

Arguments filters can be specified under the returnMatchArgs field and provide filtering based on the value of the function return value. It allows you to filter on the return value, thus success, error or value returned by a kernel call.

- operator: "NotEqual"
  - 0

The available operators for matchReturnArgs are:

  • Equal
  • NotEqual
  • Prefix
  • Postfix

A use case for this would be to detect the failed access to certain files, like /etc/shadow. Doing cat /etc/shadow will use a openat syscall that will returns -1 for a failed attempt with an unprivileged user.

PIDs filter

PIDs filters can be specified under the matchPIDs field and provide filtering based on the value of host pid of the process. For example, the following matchPIDs filter tells the BPF code that observe only hooks for which the host PID is equal to either pid1 or pid2 or pid3:

- matchPIDs:
  - operator: "In"
    followForks: true
    - "pid1"
    - "pid2"
    - "pid3"

The available operators for matchPIDs are:

  • In
  • NotIn

Further examples

Another example can be to collect all processes not associated with a container’s init PID, which is equal to 1. In this way, we are able to detect if there was a kubectl exec performed inside a container because processes created by kubectl exec are not children of PID 1.

- matchPIDs:
  - operator: NotIn
    followForks: false
    isNamespacePID: true
    - 1

Binaries filter

Binary filters can be specified under the matchBinaries field and provide filtering based on the value of a certain binary name. For example, the following matchBinaries selector tells the BPF code to process only system calls and kernel functions that are coming from cat or tail.

- matchBinaries:
  - operator: "In"
    - "/usr/bin/cat"
    - "/usr/bin/tail"

The available operators for matchBinaries are:

  • In
  • NotIn
  • Prefix
  • NotPrefix
  • Postfix
  • NotPostfix

The values field has to be a map of strings. The default behaviour is followForks: true, so all the child processes are followed. The current limitation is 4 values.

Follow children

the matchBinaries filter can be configured to also apply to children of matching processes. To do this, set followChildren to true. For example:

- matchBinaries:
  - operator: "In"
    - "/usr/sbin/sshd"
    followChildren: true

There are a number of limitations when using followChildren:

  • Children created before the policy was installed will not be matched
  • The number of matchBinaries sections with followChildren: true cannot exceed 64.
  • Operators other than In are not supported.

Further examples

One example can be to monitor all the sys_write system calls which are coming from the /usr/sbin/sshd binary and its child processes and writing to stdin/stdout/stderr.

This is how we can monitor what was written to the console by different users during different ssh sessions. The matchBinaries selector in this case is the following:

- matchBinaries:
  - operator: "In"
    - "/usr/sbin/sshd"

while the whole kprobe call is the following:

- call: "sys_write"
  syscall: true
  - index: 0
    type: "int"
  - index: 1
    type: "char_buf"
    sizeArgIndex: 3
  - index: 2
    type: "size_t"
  # match to /sbin/sshd
  - matchBinaries:
    - operator: "In"
      - "/usr/sbin/sshd"
  # match to stdin/stdout/stderr
    - index: 0
      operator: "Equal"
      - "1"
      - "2"
      - "3"

Namespaces filter

Namespaces filters can be specified under the matchNamespaces field and provide filtering of calls based on Linux namespace. You can specify the namespace inode or use the special host_ns keyword, see the example and description for more information.

An example syntax is:

- matchNamespaces:
  - namespace: Pid
    operator: In
    - "4026531836"
    - "4026531835"

This will match if: [Pid namespace is 4026531836] OR [Pid namespace is 4026531835]

  • namespace can be: Uts, Ipc, Mnt, Pid, PidForChildren, Net, Cgroup, or User. Time and TimeForChildren are also available in Linux >= 5.6.
  • operator can be In or NotIn
  • values can be raw numeric values (i.e. obtained from lsns) or "host_ns" which will automatically be translated to the appropriate value.


  1. We can have up to 4 values. These can be both numeric and host_ns inside a single namespace.
  2. We can have up to 4 namespace values under matchNamespaces in Linux kernel < 5.3. In Linux >= 5.3 we can have up to 10 values (i.e. the maximum number of namespaces that modern kernels provide).

Further examples

We can have multiple namespace filters:

- matchNamespaces:
  - namespace: Pid
    operator: In
    - "4026531836"
    - "4026531835"
  - namespace: Mnt
    operator: In
    - "4026531833"
    - "4026531834"

This will match if: ([Pid namespace is 4026531836] OR [Pid namespace is 4026531835]) AND ([Mnt namespace is 4026531833] OR [Mnt namespace is 4026531834])

Use cases examples

Generate a kprobe event if /etc/shadow was opened by /bin/cat which either had host Net or Mnt namespace access

kind: TracingPolicy
  name: "example_ns_1"
    - call: "fd_install"
      syscall: false
        - index: 0
          type: int
        - index: 1
          type: "file"
        - matchBinaries:
          - operator: "In"
            - "/bin/cat"
          - index: 1
            operator: "Equal"
            - "/etc/shadow"
          - namespace: Mnt
            operator: In
            - "host_ns"
        - matchBinaries:
          - operator: "In"
            - "/bin/cat"
          - index: 1
            operator: "Equal"
            - "/etc/shadow"
          - namespace: Net
            operator: In
            - "host_ns"

This example has 2 selectors. Note that each selector starts with -.

Selector 1:

        - matchBinaries:
          - operator: "In"
            - "/bin/cat"
          - index: 1
            operator: "Equal"
            - "/etc/shadow"
          - namespace: Mnt
            operator: In
            - "host_ns"

Selector 2:

        - matchBinaries:
          - operator: "In"
            - "/bin/cat"
          - index: 1
            operator: "Equal"
            - "/etc/shadow"
          - namespace: Net
            operator: In
            - "host_ns"

We have [Selector1 OR Selector2]. Inside each selector we have filters. Both selectors have 3 filters (i.e. matchBinaries, matchArgs, and matchNamespaces) with different arguments. Adding a - in the beginning of a filter will result in a new selector.

So the previous CRD will match if:

[binary == /bin/cat AND arg1 == /etc/shadow AND MntNs == host] OR [binary == /bin/cat AND arg1 == /etc/shadow AND NetNs is host]

We can modify the previous example as follows:

Generate a kprobe event if /etc/shadow was opened by /bin/cat which has host Net and Mnt namespace access

kind: TracingPolicy
  name: "example_ns_2"
    - call: "fd_install"
      syscall: false
        - index: 0
          type: int
        - index: 1
          type: "file"
        - matchBinaries:
          - operator: "In"
            - "/bin/cat"
          - index: 1
            operator: "Equal"
            - "/etc/shadow"
          - namespace: Mnt
            operator: In
            - "host_ns"
          - namespace: Net
            operator: In
            - "host_ns"

Here we have a single selector. This CRD will match if:

[binary == /bin/cat AND arg1 == /etc/shadow AND (MntNs == host AND NetNs == host) ]

Capabilities filter

Capabilities filters can be specified under the matchCapabilities field and provide filtering of calls based on Linux capabilities in the specific sets.

An example syntax is:

- matchCapabilities:
  - type: Effective
    operator: In
    - "CAP_CHOWN"
    - "CAP_NET_RAW"

This will match if: [Effective capabilities contain CAP_CHOWN] OR [Effective capabilities contain CAP_NET_RAW]

  • type can be: Effective, Inheritable, or Permitted.
  • operator can be In or NotIn
  • values can be any supported capability. A list of all supported capabilities can be found in /usr/include/linux/capability.h.


  1. There is no limit in the number of capabilities listed under values.
  2. Only one type field can be specified under matchCapabilities.

Namespace changes filter

Namespace changes filter can be specified under the matchNamespaceChanges field and provide filtering based on calls that are changing Linux namespaces. This filter can be useful to track execution of code in a new namespace or even container escapes that change their namespaces.

For instance, if an unprivileged process creates a new user namespace, it gains full privileges within that namespace. This grants the process the ability to perform some privileged operations within the context of this new namespace that would otherwise only be available to privileged root user. As a result, such filter is useful to track namespace creation, which can be abused by untrusted processes.

To keep track of the changes, when a process_exec happens, the namespaces of the process are recorded and these are compared with the current namespaces on the event with a matchNamespaceChanges filter.

- operator: In
  - "Mnt"

The unshare command, or executing in the host namespace using nsenter can be used to test this feature. See a demonstration example of this feature.

Capability changes filter

Capability changes filter can be specified under the matchCapabilityChanges field and provide filtering based on calls that are changing Linux capabilities.

To keep track of the changes, when a process_exec happens, the capabilities of the process are recorded and these are compared with the current capabilities on the event with a matchCapabilityChanges filter.

- type: Effective
  operator: In
  isNamespaceCapability: false

See a demonstration example of this feature.

Actions filter

Actions filters are a list of actions that execute when an appropriate selector matches. They are defined under matchActions and currently, the following action types are supported:

Sigkill action

Sigkill action terminates synchronously the process that made the call that matches the appropriate selectors from the kernel. In the example below, every sys_write system call with a PID not equal to 1 or 0 attempting to write to /etc/passwd will be terminated. Indeed when using kubectl exec, a new process is spawned in the container PID namespace and is not a child of PID 1.

- call: "sys_write"
  syscall: true
  - index: 0
    type: "fd"
  - index: 1
    type: "char_buf"
    sizeArgIndex: 3
  - index: 2
    type: "size_t"
  - matchPIDs:
    - operator: NotIn
      followForks: true
      isNamespacePID: true
      - 0
      - 1
    - index: 0
      operator: "Prefix"
      - "/etc/passwd"
    - action: Sigkill

Signal action

Signal action sends specified signal to current process. The signal number is specified with argSig value.

Following example is equivalent to the Sigkill action example above. The difference is to use the signal action with SIGKILL(9) signal.

- call: "sys_write"
  syscall: true
  - index: 0
    type: "fd"
  - index: 1
    type: "char_buf"
    sizeArgIndex: 3
  - index: 2
    type: "size_t"
  - matchPIDs:
    - operator: NotIn
      followForks: true
      isNamespacePID: true
      - 0
      - 1
    - index: 0
      operator: "Prefix"
      - "/etc/passwd"
    - action: Signal
      argSig: 9

Override action

Override action allows to modify the return value of call. While Sigkill will terminate the entire process responsible for making the call, Override will run in place of the original kprobed function and return the value specified in the argError field. It’s then up to the code path or the user space process handling the returned value to whether stop or proceed with the execution.

For example, you can create a TracingPolicy that intercepts sys_symlinkat and will make it return -1 every time the first argument is equal to the string /etc/passwd:

- call: "sys_symlinkat"
  syscall: true
  - index: 0
    type: "string"
  - index: 1
    type: "int"
  - index: 2
    type: "string"
  - matchArgs:
    - index: 0
      operator: "Equal"
      - "/etc/passwd\0"
    - action: Override
      argError: -1

FollowFD action

The FollowFD action allows to create a mapping using a BPF map between file descriptors and filenames. After its creation, the mapping can be maintained through UnfollowFD and CopyFD actions. Note that proper maintenance of the mapping is up to the tracing policy writer.

FollowFD is typically used at hook points where a file descriptor and its associated filename appear together. The kernel function fd_install is a good example.

The fd_install kernel function is called each time a file descriptor must be installed into the file descriptor table of a process, typically referenced within system calls like open or openat. It is a good place for tracking file descriptor and filename matching.

Let’s take a look at the following example:

- call: "fd_install"
  syscall: false
  - index: 0
    type: int
  - index: 1
    type: "file"
  - matchPIDs:
      # [...]
      # [...]
    - action: FollowFD
      argFd: 0
      argName: 1

This action uses the dedicated argFd and argName fields to get respectively the index of the file descriptor argument and the index of the name argument in the call.

While the mapping between the file descriptor and filename remains in place (that is, between FollowFD and UnfollowFD for the same file descriptor) tracing policies may refer to filenames instead of file descriptors. This offers greater convenience and allows more functionality to reside inside the kernel, thereby reducing overhead.

For instance, assume that you want to prevent writes into file /etc/passwd. The system call sys_write only receives a file descriptor, not a filename, as argument. Yet with a bracketing pair of FollowFD and UnfollowFD actions in place the tracing policy that hooks into sys_write can nevertheless refer to the filename /etc/passwd, if it also marks the relevant argument as of type fd.

The following example combines actions FollowFD and UnfollowFD as well as an argument of type fd to such effect:

- call: "fd_install"
  syscall: false
  - index: 0
    type: int
  - index: 1
    type: "file"
  - matchArgs:
    - index: 1
      operator: "Equal"
      - "/tmp/passwd"
    - action: FollowFD
      argFd: 0
      argName: 1
- call: "sys_write"
  syscall: true
  - index: 0
    type: "fd"
  - index: 1
    type: "char_buf"
    sizeArgIndex: 3
  - index: 2
    type: "size_t"
  - matchArgs:
    - index: 0
      operator: "Equal"
      - "/tmp/passwd"
    - action: Sigkill
- call: "sys_close"
  syscall: true
  - index: 0
     type: "int"
  - matchActions:
    - action: UnfollowFD
      argFd: 0
      argName: 0

UnfollowFD action

The UnfollowFD action takes a file descriptor from a system call and deletes the corresponding entry from the BPF map, where it was put under the FollowFD action. It is typically used at hooks points where the scope of association between a file descriptor and a filename ends. The system call sys_close is a good example.

Let’s take a look at the following example:

- call: "sys_close"
  syscall: true
  - index: 0
    type: "int"
  - matchPIDs:
    - operator: NotIn
      followForks: true
      isNamespacePID: true
      - 0
      - 1
    - action: UnfollowFD
      argFd: 0

Similar to the FollowFD action, the index of the file descriptor is described under argFd:

- action: UnfollowFD
  argFd: 0

In this example, argFD is 0. So, the argument from the sys_close system call at index: 0 will be deleted from the BPF map whenever a sys_close is executed.

- index: 0
  type: "int"

CopyFD action

The CopyFD action is specific to duplication of file descriptor use cases. Similary to FollowFD, it takes an argFd and argName arguments. It can typically be used tracking the dup, dup2 or dup3 syscalls.

See the following example for illustration:

- call: "sys_dup2"
  syscall: true
  - index: 0
    type: "fd"
  - index: 1
    type: "int"
  - matchPIDs:
    # [...]
    - action: CopyFD
      argFd: 0
      argName: 1
- call: "sys_dup3"
  syscall: true
  - index: 0
    type: "fd"
  - index: 1
    type: "int"
  - index: 2
    type: "int"
  - matchPIDs:
    # [...]
    - action: CopyFD
      argFd: 0
      argName: 1

GetUrl action

The GetUrl action can be used to perform a remote interaction such as triggering Thinkst canaries or any system that can be triggered via an URL request. It uses the argUrl field to specify the URL to request using GET method.

- action: GetUrl

DnsLookup action

The DnsLookup action can be used to perform a remote interaction such as triggering Thinkst canaries or any system that can be triggered via an DNS entry request. It uses the argFqdn field to specify the domain to lookup.

- action: DnsLookup

Post action

The Post action allows an event to be transmitted to the agent, from kernelspace to userspace. By default, all TracingPolicy hook will create an event with the Post action except in those situations:

  • a NoPost action was specified in a matchActions;
  • a rate-limiting parameter is in place, see details below.

This action allows you to specify parameters for the Post action.

Rate limiting

Post takes the rateLimit parameter with a time value. This value defaults to seconds, but post-fixing ’m’ or ‘h’ will cause the value to be interpreted in minutes or hours. When this parameter is specified for an action, that action will check if the same action has fired, for the same thread, within the time window, with the same inspected arguments. (Only the first 40 bytes of each inspected argument is used in the matching. Only supported on kernels v5.3 onwards.)

For example, you can specify a selector to only generate an event every 5 minutes with adding the following action and its paramater:

- action: Post
  rateLimit: 5m

By default, the rate limiting is applied per thread, meaning that only repeated actions by the same thread will be rate limited. This can be expanded to all threads for a process by specifying a rateLimitScope with value “process”; or can be expanded to all processes by specifying the same with the value “global”.

Stack traces

Post takes the kernelStackTrace parameter, when turned to true (by default to false) it enables dump of the kernel stack trace to the hook point in kprobes events. To dump user space stack trace set userStackTrace parameter to true. For example, the following kprobe hook can be used to retrieve the kernel stack to kfree_skb_reason, the function called in the kernel to drop kernel socket buffers.

  - call: kfree_skb_reason
    - matchActions:
      - action: Post
        kernelStackTrace: true
        userStackTrace: true

Once loaded, events created from this policy will contain a new kernel_stack_trace field on the process_kprobe event with an output similar to:

  "address": "18446744072119856613",
  "offset": "5",
  "symbol": "kfree_skb_reason"
  "address": "18446744072119769755",
  "offset": "107",
  "symbol": "__sys_connect_file"
  "address": "18446744072119769989",
  "offset": "181",
  "symbol": "__sys_connect"

The “address” is the kernel function address, “offset” is the offset into the native instruction for the function and “symbol” is the function symbol name.

User mode stack trace is contained in user_stack_trace field on the process_kprobe event and looks like:

  "address": "140498967885099",
  "offset": "1209643",
  "symbol": "__connect",
  "module": "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/"
  "address": "140498968021470",
  "offset": "1346014",
  "symbol": "inet_pton",
  "module": "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/"
  "address": "140498971185511",
  "offset": "106855",
  "module": "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/"

The “address” is the function address, “offset” is the function offset from the beginning of the binary module. “module” is the absolute path of the binary file to which address belongs. “symbol” is the function symbol name. “symbol” may be missing if the binary file is stripped.

This output can be enhanced in a more human friendly using the tetra getevents -o compact command. Indeed, by default, it will print the stack trace along the compact output of the event similarly to this:

❓ syscall /usr/bin/curl kfree_skb_reason
   0xffffffffa13f2de5: kfree_skb_reason+0x5
   0xffffffffa13dda9b: __sys_connect_file+0x6b
   0xffffffffa13ddb85: __sys_connect+0xb5
   0xffffffffa13ddbd8: __x64_sys_connect+0x18
   0xffffffffa1714bd8: do_syscall_64+0x58
   0xffffffffa18000e6: entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x6e
User space:
   0x7f878cf2752b: __connect (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
   0x7f878cf489de: inet_pton (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
   0x7f878d1b6167:  (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

The printing format for kernel stack trace is "0x%x: %s+0x%x", address, symbol, offset. The printing format for user stack trace is "0x%x: %s (%s+0x%x)", address, symbol, module, offset.

NoPost action

The NoPost action can be used to suppress the event to be generated, but at the same time all its defined actions are performed.

It’s useful when you are not interested in the event itself, just in the action being performed.

Following example override openat syscall for “/etc/passwd” file but does not generate any event about that.

- call: "sys_openat"
  return: true
  syscall: true
  - index: 0
    type: int
  - index: 1
    type: "string"
  - index: 2
    type: "int"
    type: "int"
  - matchPIDs:
    - index: 1
      operator: "Equal"
      - "/etc/passwd"
    - action: Override
      argError: -2
    - action: NoPost

TrackSock action

The TrackSock action allows to create a mapping using a BPF map between sockets and processes. It however needs to maintain a state correctly, see UntrackSock related action. TrackSock works similarly to FollowFD, specifying the argument with the sock type using argSock instead of specifying the FD argument with argFd.

It is however more likely that socket tracking will be performed on the return value of sk_alloc as described above.

Socket tracking is only available on kernel >=5.3.

UntrackSock action

The UntrackSock action takes a struct sock pointer from a function call and deletes the corresponding entry from the BPF map, where it was put under the TrackSock action.

Let’s take a look at the following example:

- call: "__sk_free"
  syscall: false
    - index: 0
      type: sock
    - matchActions:
      - action: UntrackSock
        argSock: 0

Similar to the TrackSock action, the index of the sock is described under argSock:

- matchActions:
  - action: UntrackSock
    argSock: 0

In this example, argSock is 0. So, the argument from the __sk_free function call at index: 0 will be deleted from the BPF map whenever a __sk_free is executed.

- index: 0
  type: "sock"

Socket tracking is only available on kernel >=5.3.

Notify Enforcer action

The NotifyEnforcer action notifies the enforcer program to kill or override a syscall.

It’s meant to be used on systems with kernel that lacks multi kprobe feature, that allows to attach many kprobes quickly). To workaround that the enforcer sensor uses the raw syscall tracepoint and attaches simple program to syscalls that we need to kill or override.

The specs needs to have enforcer program definition, that instructs tetragon to load the enforcer program and attach it to specified syscalls.

  - calls:
    - "list:dups"

The syscalls expects list of syscalls or list:XXX pointer to list.

Note that currently only single enforcer definition is allowed.

The NotifyEnforcer action takes 2 arguments.

- action: "NotifyEnforcer"
  argError: -1
  argSig: 9

If specified the argError will be passed to bpf_override_return helper to override the syscall return value. If specified the argSig will be passed to bpf_send_signal helper to override the syscall return value.

The following is spec for killing /usr/bin/bash program whenever it calls sys_dup or sys_dup2 syscalls.

  - name: "dups"
    type: "syscalls"
    - "sys_dup"
    - "sys_dup2"
  - calls:
    - "list:dups"
  - subsystem: "raw_syscalls"
    event: "sys_enter"
    - index: 4
      type: "syscall64"
    - matchArgs:
      - index: 0
        operator: "InMap"
        - "list:dups"
      - operator: "In"
        - "/usr/bin/bash"
      - action: "NotifyEnforcer"
        argSig: 9

Note as mentioned above the NotifyEnforcer with enforcer program is meant to be used only on kernel versions with no support for fast attach of multiple kprobes (kprobe_multi link).

With kprobe_multi link support the above example can be easily replaced with:

  - name: "syscalls"
    type: "syscalls"
    - "sys_dup"
    - "sys_dup2"
  - call: "list:syscalls"
    - matchBinaries:
      - operator: "In"
        - "/usr/bin/bash"
      - action: "Sigkill"

Selector Semantics

The selector semantics of the CiliumTracingPolicy follows the standard Kubernetes semantics and the principles that are used by Cilium to create a unified policy definition.

To explain deeper the structure and the logic behind it, let’s consider first the following example:

 - matchPIDs:
   - operator: In
     followForks: true
     - pid1
     - pid2
     - pid3
  - index: 0
    operator: "Equal"
    - fdString1

In the YAML above matchPIDs and matchArgs are logically AND together giving the expression:

(pid in {pid1, pid2, pid3} AND arg0=fdstring1)

Multiple values

When multiple values are given, we apply the OR operation between them. In case of having multiple values under the matchPIDs selector, if any value matches with the given pid from pid1, pid2 or pid3 then we accept the event:

pid==pid1 OR pid==pid2 OR pid==pid3

As an example, we can filter for sys_read() syscalls that were not part of the container initialization and the main pod process and tried to read from the /etc/passwd file by using:

 - matchPIDs:
   - operator: NotIn
     followForks: true
     - 0
     - 1
  - index: 0
    operator: "Equal"
    - "/etc/passwd"

Similarly, we can use multiple values under the matchArgs selector:

(pid in {pid1, pid2, pid3} AND arg0={fdstring1, fdstring2})

If any value matches with fdstring1 or fdstring2, specifically (string==fdstring1 OR string==fdstring2) then we accept the event.

For example, we can monitor sys_read() syscalls accessing both the /etc/passwd or the /etc/shadow files:

 - matchPIDs:
   - operator: NotIn
     followForks: true
     - 0
     - 1
  - index: 0
    operator: "Equal"
    - "/etc/passwd"
    - "/etc/shadow"

Multiple operators

When multiple operators are supported under matchPIDs or matchArgs, they are logically AND together. In case if we have multiple operators under matchPIDs:

  - matchPIDs:
    - operator: In
      followForks: true
      - pid1
    - operator: NotIn
      followForks: true
      - pid2

then we would build the following expression on the BPF side:

(pid == 0[following forks]) && (pid != 1[following forks])

In case of having multiple matchArgs:

 - matchPIDs:
   - operator: In
     followForks: true
     - pid1
     - pid2
     - pid3
  - index: 0
    operator: "Equal"
    - 1
  - index: 2
    operator: "lt"
    - 500

Then we would build the following expression on the BPF side

(pid in {pid1, pid2, pid3} AND arg0=1 AND arg2 < 500)

Operator types

There are different types supported for each operator. In case of matchArgs:

  • Equal
  • NotEqual
  • Prefix
  • Postfix
  • Mask
  • GreaterThan (aka GT)
  • LessThan (aka LT)
  • SPort - Source Port
  • NotSPort - Not Source Port
  • SPortPriv - Source Port is Privileged (0-1023)
  • NotSPortPriv - Source Port is Not Privileged (Not 0-1023)
  • DPort - Destination Port
  • NotDPort - Not Destination Port
  • DPortPriv - Destination Port is Privileged (0-1023)
  • NotDPortPriv - Destination Port is Not Privileged (Not 0-1023)
  • SAddr - Source Address, can be IPv4/6 address or IPv4/6 CIDR (for ex or 2a1:56::1/128)
  • NotSAddr - Not Source Address
  • DAddr - Destination Address
  • NotDAddr - Not Destination Address
  • Protocol
  • Family
  • State

The operator types Equal and NotEqual are used to test whether the certain argument of a system call is equal to the defined value in the CR.

For example, the following YAML snippet matches if the argument at index 0 is equal to /etc/passwd:

      - index: 0
        operator: "Equal"
        - "/etc/passwd"

Both Equal and NotEqual are set operations. This means if multiple values are specified, they are ORd together in case of Equal, and ANDd together in case of NotEqual.

For example, in case of Equal the following YAML snippet matches if the argument at index 0 is in the set of {arg0, arg1, arg2}.

- index: 0
  operator: "Equal"
  - "arg0"
  - "arg1"
  - "arg2"

The above would be executed in the kernel as

arg == arg0 OR arg == arg1 OR arg == arg2

In case of NotEqual the following YAML snippet matches if the argument at index 0 is not in the set of {arg0, arg1}.

- index: 0
  operator: "NotEqual"
  - "arg0"
  - "arg1"

The above would be executed in the kernel as

arg != arg0 AND arg != arg1

The operator type Mask performs and bitwise operation on the argument value and defined values. The argument type needs to be one of the value types.

For example in following YAML snippet we match second argument for bits 1 and 9 (0x200 value). We could use single value 0x201 as well.

- index: 2
  operator: "Mask"
  - 1
  - 0x200

The above would be executed in the kernel as

arg & 1 OR arg & 0x200

The value can be specified as hexadecimal (with 0x prefix) octal (with 0 prefix) or decimal value (no prefix).

The operator Prefix checks if the certain argument starts with the defined value, while the operator Postfix compares if the argument matches to the defined value as trailing.

The operators relating to ports, addresses and protocol are used with sock or skb types. Port operators can accept a range of ports specified as min:max as well as lists of individual ports. Address operators can accept IPv4/6 CIDR ranges as well as lists of individual addresses.

The Protocol operator can accept integer values to match against, or the equivalent IPPROTO_ enumeration. For example, UDP can be specified as either IPPROTO_UDP or 17; TCP can be specified as either IPPROTO_TCP or 6.

The Family operator can accept integer values to match against or the equivalent AF_ enumeration. For example, IPv4 can be specified as either AF_INET or 2; IPv6 can be specified as either AF_INET6 or 10.

The State operator can accept integer values to match against or the equivalent TCP_ enumeration. For example, an established socket can be matched with TCP_ESTABLISHED or 1; a closed socket with TCP_CLOSE or 7.

In case of matchPIDs:

  • In
  • NotIn

The operator types In and NotIn are used to test whether the pid of a system call is found in the provided values list in the CR. Both In and NotIn are set operations, which means if multiple values are specified they are ORd together in case of In and ANDd together in case of NotIn.

For example, in case of In the following YAML snippet matches if the pid of a certain system call is being part of the list of {0, 1}:

- matchPIDs:
  - operator: In
    followForks: true
    isNamespacePID: true
    - 0
    - 1

The above would be executed in the kernel as

pid == 0 OR pid == 1

In case of NotIn the following YAML snippet matches if the pid of a certain system call is not being part of the list of {0, 1}:

- matchPIDs:
  - operator: NotIn
    followForks: true
    isNamespacePID: true
    - 0
    - 1

The above would be executed in the kernel as

pid != 0 AND pid != 1

In case of matchBinaries:

  • In

The In operator type is used to test whether a binary name of a system call is found in the provided values list. For example, the following YAML snippet matches if the binary name of a certain system call is being part of the list of {binary0, binary1, binary2}:

- matchBinaries:
  - operator: "In"
    - "binary0"
    - "binary1"
    - "binary2"

Multiple selectors

When multiple selectors are configured they are logically ORd together.

 - matchPIDs:
   - operator: In
     followForks: true
     - pid1
     - pid2
     - pid3
  - index: 0
    operator: "Equal"
    - 1
  - index: 2
    operator: "lt"
    -  500
 - matchPIDs:
   - operator: In
     followForks: true
     - pid1
     - pid2
     - pid3
  - index: 0
    operator: "Equal"
    - 2

The above would be executed in kernel as:

(pid in {pid1, pid2, pid3} AND arg0=1 AND arg2 < 500) OR
(pid in {pid1, pid2, pid3} AND arg0=2)


Those limitations might be outdated, see issue #709.

Because BPF must be bounded we have to place limits on how many selectors can exist.

  • Max Selectors 8.
  • Max PID values per selector 4
  • Max MatchArgs per selector 5 (one per index)
  • Max MatchArg Values per MatchArgs 1 (limiting initial implementation can bump to 16 or so)

Return Actions filter

Return actions filters are a list of actions that execute when an return selector matches. They are defined under matchReturnActions and currently support all the Actions filter action types.

Last modified September 2, 2024: docs for followChildren true (8f9369b6)